Bachelor of Arts Degree (MacMaster University), IDA – ATC Ballet Certified (International Dance Arts) BATD Membership in Ballet (British Association Teachers of Dancing), PMT Ballet Certified Level I,II,III (Paula Morgan Technique), AAC3 Teacher Certified (Acrobatic Arts Module 1,2,3), AcroDance Competition Adjudicator Certified (ACA), DMA Teacher Certified in Acro, Ballet, Jazz and Tap (Dance Masters of America), Examiner for Teachers in Acro, Jazz and Tap (Dance Masters of Canada), CDTA Teacher Certified in Tap and Jazz (Canadian Dance Teachers Association). ADAPT Teachers Training School (Associated Dance Arts for Professional Teachers)
Sue has been trained and examined as a student in Ballet, Jazz, Tap, and Acro (CDTA, DMA, ADAPT, PMT,) under the direction of Brian and Faye Foley (ADAPT), Audrey Meredith (CDTA), Paula Morgan (PMT), Deborah Lundmark (RAD) and achieved certificates in all disciplines at Advanced Levels.
Performance History
Sue has worked as a professional dancer and choreographer in Film, Television, Live Theatre and Industrial Promotion. Her credits include; Film (Heavenly Bodies, Loose Screws, CBS/FOX) Live Stage (Viva Las Vegas, Deerhurst Resort, Dazzling Decades, Roy Thompson Hall, Hello Vegas, Niagara Falls, NY) Television (Just Jazz, CHCH TV) and Industrial Shows (Toronto Argonaut Cheerleader, Wayne Gretzky CNIB Tennis Tournament, Easter Seals, Reebok, Toyota, Hyundai, General Motors, City of Toronto, YWCA, Toronto Sun, CFL Grey Cup).
Professional History
Sue has served on the Board of Directors as President, Vice-President, National Delegate, Treasurer, Competition Director, for Dance Masters of Canada. She has adjudicated and taught at Master Workshops, Competitions and Conventions for Dance Masters of Canada, Dance Masters of America, Wild Rose Dance Festival, Can Dance, Dancefest, Dance Masters of Oregon, Bedazzled, and many more. She currently holds the position of Director of Education for Dance Masters of Canada and Advisory to the Executive Board, Chapter #38.
Community Involvement
Sue is involved with the Huntsville Festival of the Arts, Rotary Club, BIA Festivals, Agricultural Society, Community Living, Retirement Community, Nursing Homes, Almaguin and Trillium Lakeland School Boards, Skating Club, Muskoka Montessori Schools and various local Theatre Groups. Sue has been recognized for being a role-model to young women in her community as well as her many years of community contribution. Sue was the recipient of the YWCA “Entrepreneur Award” for Muskoka Woman in Business in 2007 and was honoured with an award for outstanding contribution in “Arts and Culture” by the Town of Huntsville at their 2010 Olympic Torch Community Achievement Awards. Both of these awards represent a strong allegiance to the art of dance and a passionate commitment to the youth in her community. Sue was featured (April 2016) in a Muskoka Mosaic article as a person of interest in Muskoka and most recently selected as a Judge for Huntsville’s Got Talent (2018-present).
Student Success
Miss Sue’s students have won numerous awards, scholarships, and dance titles, as well as performed and competed in Spain, Portugal, Las Vegas, New York City, Pennsylvania, Myrtle Beach, and Walt Disney World. Her students have been accepted into prestigious ballet schools (The National Ballet School of Canada, Young Children Dance Theatre, Quinte Ballet School), as well as had, and continue to have, very successful careers in the Industry.